Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Mini Marras!


Thank you for booking on to our brand new term at Mini Marras. We look forward to welcoming you on our adventure.

What to bring -

No need to bring anything special but please wear comfortable clothes.

You may like to bring a small blanket to lay your baby on and it's always useful to have a muslin handy!

We will be following Government Guidelines with regards to Face coverings. 

Due to the nature of some of the activities you may want to bring a face mask When we move closer together. 



Please keep your eyes on your emails for any updated COVID-19 information.


Arrival procedure / Check in

The session leader will start on time and we ask that you arrive no more than 5 minutes before your session.



Cancellation/Amendment policy

Unfortunately we cannot refund for missed sessions (Please see Terms and Conditions)


If you have any queries, please email -




Thank you! We cannot wait to see you ! 





Cancellation policy - 

Refunds cannot be issued after the term commences. 

We thank you for your cooperation.

General - 

At Mini Marras we want to ensure that both you and your child/children receive all the information, guidance and encouragement that you need to experience a truly magical time. We encourage you to actively participate with your child/children during classes and to sing some of your child/children’s favourite songs between classes, so your child/children can start to recognise and enjoy the songs we sing in sessions.

The Mini Marras environment is both relaxed and social, however to show respect for the whole group we ask that general chatter be kept to a minimum, this ensures that the focus is kept on the children. Where possible we do try to provide/or recommend facilities for you to socialise after the session. If your baby becomes restless or needs feeding or changing during the session, please feel free to do so. If a younger baby sleeps or an older baby or toddler simply observes, they are still experiencing the session. The session leader will start on time and we ask that you arrive around 5 minutes before your session to avoid any disruption during the session. Mobile phones must be either off or on silent. We ask that no food is consumed during the Mini Marras session, unless for medical reasons. You must follow and comply with the reasonable instructions of the session leaders at all times during any Mini Marras session.

Health & Safety Notice - 

Risk assessments are undertaken by your session leader at every Mini Marras venue. As parents and carers we are sure you are aware that although every effort is taken to ensure that our environment is safe and the props used are in good condition and age appropriate, accidents can occur to children in the safest of environments. Please ensure that you supervise your child at all times during the session as Mini Marras cannot be held responsible for accident or injury incurred during our classes or at any other time in our venues, other than as set out in these Terms and Conditions or as required by law. Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter.


Hygiene in our Sessions -

All our session leaders are equipped to wipe down, clean, wash and sanitise relevant equipment and the session room between sessions.


We wash and replace/check quality and cleanliness of all our props regularly and every prop is cleaned and sanitized between sessions.

Booking/Payments - 

Booking operates on a first come, first served basis. Places are not guaranteed; they are subject to availability. Weekly classes are payable in advance for a term (usually about 7 weeks, although just check with your session leader for term dates). If payment is taken in person, then a contract will be formed between us at the point that payment is first made by you to us by whatever means. 

If you wish to re-enrol for the following term, we will attempt to reserve your place if the term payment is received by the advertised date. In the unlikely event that we are unable to reserve you a place, then we will return your pre-payment in full. Places are limited and so we always recommend that you pre-pay for each term even if you are a regular at Mini Marras. If you have missed the re-enrolment date and wish to continue with us, please contact your session leader as soon as possible. 

Refunds/credits are not given once the term has started. If you miss a class due to sickness or holidays it cannot be refunded, transferred or carried over to the next course. If we have to cancel or make a change to the location or time of a class, an alternative session will be arranged or an online session will be provided. If we do need to change a venue then we will do our best to find an appropriate replacement in an appropriate location.

Cancellation; if you cancel your place at least two week before the term begins your session leader will refund your term fee, but this will be subject to a £10.00 administration fee. No refunds will be made after this period. If you cancel your place during the term then no refund can be given. Sickness; if your baby/child is sick please feel free to call and let us know. If it is likely to be a long term illness then please call and discuss with your session leader as refunds and credits for long term illnesses are discretionary. 

A NOTE about adverse weather: refunds will not be given in the event of adverse weather conditions. Always liaise with your session leader or check your local Facebook page for updates regarding the safe access to venues and subsequent class cancellations.


Until further notice, every mini marras session will be run in accordance with the applicable UK Government guidelines in relation to COVID-19 (the "UK Government Guidelines"), which are in place at the time of the relevant Mini Marras session. While we will do everything possible to keep our sessions fun and enjoyable for you and your little one, you acknowledge that we will have to make some changes to our sessions in order to comply with the UK Government Guidelines. 

Should you attend?

 You must not attend any Mini Marras Session if at any time in the past 14 days:


you or your child has a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste, or any other symptoms described in the NHS COVID-19 Symptoms Guidance; and/or


you or your child, other family members or anyone else that you have been in close contact with someone that has displayed COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for the virus,


By booking a Mini Marras Session you are declaring that to the best of your knowledge you and your child do not have Covid-19 and have not been in close contact with anyone that has Covid-19.

 Staying safe at the session



For every session you attend, you and your child must:


wash or sanitise your hands on arrival at the venue before the Mini Marras session begins;


follow any signs displayed at the venue in order to safely enter the Mini Marras session room and any signs in place (such as any one-way system signage) when moving in and around the venue and Mini Marras session room;

wash or sanitise your hands as soon as the Mini Marras session has ended.

We also encourage parents and carers to wear a face covering during the session and when moving around the venue. Some venues may have additional safety measures in place. Your session leader will notify you of any venue-specific safety measures either when you book or when you arrive at the venue. You agree to comply with all safety measures in place at any session venue that you attend.


Your session leader may ask anyone who does not follow these guidelines to leave the session, and refuse attendance to any future Mini Marras session. If you or your child are asked to leave a session because you have not followed these guidelines, you will not be entitled to a refund for the session.

Our Responsibility

Although your session leader will take every reasonable measure to limit COVID-19 infections, you are wholly responsible for you and your child's safety and wellbeing during your Mini Marras session. Neither your session leader nor Mini Marras accepts any responsibility if you and/or your child becomes unwell following a Mini Marras session.

Bookings and cancellations

In line with current UK Government Guidelines, we are running reduced capacity classes to ensure social distancing can be observed. Please book in advance to avoid disappointment! All bookings and payments must be made online until further notice.


If once the term has started, your Mini Marras session/sessions are cancelled due to the COVID19 pandemic (National, local lockdown, venue closure or class closure due to COVID 19) classes will the automatically transfer to online classes for that session/session. No refunds will be offered in these circumstances and the alternative class will be offered.

Whilst we will do everything we can to make your class comfortable and enjoyable, should your little one become unhappy and you cannot stay for the entire class, we cannot issue a refund as your place has already been held.


Other Illness

Please do not attend sessions in the event of your child being unwell. We wish them better of course, but must ensure the risk of infections or communicable diseases spreading is isolated. In the event that your child contracts an infection please inform your session leader regarding the nature of the infection so that they can inform other parents.

Discrimination and Behaviour-

We don't tolerate any discrimination whatsoever in our Mini Marras sessions. Parents and caregivers should ensure that their behavior is entirely appropriate at all times, and refrain from behaving in a discriminatory or disruptive manner or a way which is likely to cause offence to anyone else. This includes refraining from using bad language. All parents and caregivers are required to show respect to all session leaders and attendees of Mini Marras sessions. 


We have the right to ask anyone who is behaving other than in accordance with this policy to leave. In these circumstances, we may terminate your future Mini Marras sessions without any refund. We reserve the right to refer any of these matters to the police.

Video/Photos -

Filming and photos of your child/children during class is permitted, however please be sensitive to other families who may not wish their child to be filmed or photographed.

The Mini Marras session leader may request that photography or filming is stopped. Their decision is final, and continued participation in the class is contingent upon complying with the session leader's instructions.

We will sometimes request that promotional film and photography is taken during classes, but we'll give you due notice and permission will be sought from families in advance.


By booking with us you agree to the terms and conditions and take full responsibility for the wellbeing of your child/children during classes.